Health Walk - Tuesday 28th October 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
The fourth anniversary since Health Walks started in the Park. We had twelve walkers and two turned up later for the celebrations.
Michael took charge and we set off into the Pinetum. At the Wooden Bridge two of us elected to walk along the bottom and two others agreed to meet them at the Stone Bridge.

Photo 1
Ten of us climbed up into Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 2
As we descended out of Dog Kennel Wood Jacqueline and Carole walked down to the Stone Bridge to meet Peter and Sue. The remaining eight of us walked up into the field and down round the Lake to the Stone Bridge

Photo 3 Photo 4
As we reached the Stone Bridge
we could just make out the famous four disappearing up the hill, Photo 3

Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7
Cock Cabin Pond

Photo 8 Photo 9
Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 10 Photo 11
The 'party'
in the Visitors' Centre - no one had the energy to blow out the candles. Elizabeth M's ginger cake was her first attempt and if she's tries for the rest of her life I doubt if she can make one better.

Today's Walk
Red is most of us, blue is Peter & Sue, green is Jacqueline & Carole joining Peter & Sue at the Stone Bridge and continuing blue |