Health Walk - Tuesday 20th May 2014
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Eleven again today. Michael leading round the south side of the Hall and down to the Stone Bridge and up on to the Dam. Then four of us decided that they needed to do the short walk, green on the map, so they set off back down to the Cycle Track and home via the Pinetum. We carried on round the Lake and up to Hawkes Clough turning right up the hill towards the Ponderosa

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New cones and Sandy spotted the insect? On to the Ponderosa where we found two 'machines' apparently widening Cam Lane - I thought it best not to take a photo. Decision, which way should we go down into Green Wood or right into the pasture land.

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At last Michael got them into the 'Cow field', there are no cows in sight of course.

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Hawthorn bushes in the pasture
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Buttercups everywhere

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There are several reasons we don't get into the Cow Field often, one is obviously most of us are apprehensive about the cows but access is difficult because of the stiles particularly at the top where it's a huge step into or out of the field. The one pictured is not all that easy for us oldies.

A field of Cow Parsley? Up into the Pinetum and in a few minutes we had joined the rest of the group in the Barn already enjoying their tea/coffee and biscuits.

Today's Walk