Health Walk - Thursday 31st July 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
We had twelve people today, all regulars. It was overcast but warm. Brian was leading.

Photo 1
Leaving the main section of the Park

Photo 2
This is the worst part of the walk, the traffic's noisy under the M65

Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
As we entered the north section of the Park we noticed three men painting the pylon, near the top.

Photo 6 Photo 7
I was backmarker today, hence all the shots of backs, here we are coming to the end of the walk through the north area.
Photo 8 Photo 9
The sloes are tempting for gin drinkers

Photo 10
Chris is talking to a police dog handler, they were training/refreshing training their dogs this morning

Today's Walk

Photo 11 Photo 12
Elizabeth H's brother-in-law had asked Elizabeth what the strange metal objects were for on the side of the Sundial - no one seems to know?