Health Walk - Thursday 16th October 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Helen volunteered to lead and, as we were a little late, we elected to sign in after the walk - were we insured? Dorothy suggested a walk into the south area of the Park so Helen obliged. There were twelve of us and a dog.

Photo 1
Here we are all together walking down through the Pinetum and over the Wooden Bridge. Sue didn't want to walk too far so elected to walk along the bottom and back up to the Barn over the Stone Bridge (Blue route). Carmel agreed to accompany her and Jacqueline decided to walk with them. The rest of us turned right and walked along the Cycle Track, over Town Brow and into the south side of the Park.

Photo 2
We had a young couple with us whose names I don't know so I'll call them Girl and Boy. As we were climbing up to the high point of the Cycle Track alongside the landfill site, Girl said Boy was getting tired so he and Girl set off back. We had a discussion and decided that it was getting late so we turn back too, by now Girl and Boy were out of sight.
As we crossed Town Brow, with a little excitement, we decided to go into the field and make our way back on a different route.

Photo 3 Photo 4
On the left high on the hillside Sandy spotted the Jacob sheep, and the dead tree in the foreground. I couldn't hold my camera still enough to get a good photo of the sheep.

Sandy's photo - from same position as 4 Photo 5 Photo 6
Meanwhile the others were disappearing into the distance! Sandy's photo of me rushing to catch up with them so I can photo them crossing of the Stepping Stones

Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9
They had arrived at the Stepping Stones. Christine, fearless, strode across first

Photo 10 Photo 11 Photo 12
Helen dancing across. Sandy, a little later having been taking photos.

Photo 13 Photo 14
We walked alongside the river and as we came out of the woods we caught up with Boy and Girl

Photo 15 Photo 16 Photo 17 Photo 18
Climbing up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum

Photo 19 Photo 20 Photo 21 Photo 22
On top at last

Photo 23
Girl seeing Boy safely into his transport.

Today's Walks - Green Route is the Girl and Boy's different route back - rest of the time they followed the red route, Blue Route is the short walk that Sue, Carmel and Jacqueline did - The initial paths of the blue and green routes are red.