Health Walk - Thursday 15th May 2014
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Only ten this morning, which was a surprise for a Thursday. The promised sun never shone and we even felt a few spots of rain. David was leading today.
The conditions didn't encourage photography so only three.
David took us into the Pinetum, over the New Bridge and up into Gravel Hole Wood.
David kept up a good pace and suggested we pause for a rest in the small wood alongside the Nature Reserve where there was a convenient bench.
The three walkers who immediately sat down:
were the ones deemed to need recuperation!

Wikipedia - The three wise monkeys Mizaru, covering her (actually his) eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil.
There are various meanings ascribed to the monkeys and the proverb including associations with being of good mind, speech and action. In the Western world the phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye.
I'll leave to you to decide which interpretation applies to us three (I like the Japanese interpretation)
The others were enjoying their own interpretation
Today's Walk