Health Walk - Tuesday 16th December 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
Only six walkers today but that's twice as many as we had on Tuesday
Brian 'volunteered' to lead and he took us off to the northern section via the Cinder path.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Here we are on the northern most point of our walk. We are watching Michael trying to photograph the raindrops - needed for another project.
Photo 3
Walking back up the hill to Wigan Road

Photo 4
Heading up to the Motorway footbridge

Photo 5 Photo 6
On the Motorway footbridge
Here Bernadette wasn't feeling well so Carmel escorted her along the Cinder Path back to the Barn - blue route. Bernadette was OK once she got back to the Barn and rested.

Photo 7
As you can see in Photos 1 & 2 we had rain but we could see blue sky to the north west
We all enjoyed our walk and are looking forward to the next one.

Today's walk
Later we were to find out that Carmel had found her husband Fred lying on the floor when she got home. Sadly he was dead. |