Health Walk - Thursday 24th April 2014
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Fifteen today. It was a lovely sunny morning, mild and very little wind. Michael was leading and he set off towards the stone bridge.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Already we are stretched out. The many different greens and browns, the trees are breaking out. The Park is awash with colour.
Photo 3
Carmel talking to the Mallards who were hoping for food

Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6
The Bluebells are all over the place, much more in eveidence than I've ever noticed before, as are the Marsh Marigolds, Cuckoo Flowers/Lady's Smock/Mayflowers, Daisies and Dandelions.

Photo 7

Photo 8
Education Officer Ruth with her flock of school children pond dipping

Photo 9

Today's Walk |