Health Walk - Tuesday 29th April 2014
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Michael was leading, there were seven of us and we set off round the Hall and in the distance we saw the Victorians walking away from us.
Photo 1
Ruth leading her volunteer helpers and her latest batch of schoolchildren, a regular feature of the Park Education Department throughout the summer and autumn
We crossed the front of the Hall where we may pick up the Sue Ryder volunteers on 3 June.
We made towards the Cinder Path at the end of which Michael explained that this is where we will meet the volunteers from St. Catherine's and the Brothers of Charity, the walk being organised by Bob Clare of the Lancashire Walks Dot Com.

Photo 2
The Park is resplendent with Bluebells and many flowers
It was becoming clear that one of us was feeling that the full walk would be too much so Michael, who had received a cry of help from home, escorted her back to the Barn where she waited for the others for tea and biscuits. They left the main group near the Stone Bridge and Helen took over leadership of the walk. Michael sped of home on his bike.

Today's Walk
It turned out that Sue, Michael's wife, had to have emergency Vitreoretinal Surgery. |