Health Walk - Thursday 2nd October 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
David 'volunteered' to lead. It was a lovely sunny autumn morning again but there was a nip in the air.
There were ten of us and and David, after outlining his plan, led us off into the Pinetum.

Photo 1
Here we are all together

Photo 2 Photo 3
Sue didn't want to do a long walk so Carmel went with her up to the viewing station.
The rest of us took the lower path down towards the gap in the wall.

Photo L
Sue and Carmel walked round the south side of the Hall, rested for a
while in the shade then walked round the font of the Hall and back to the Barn. Blue route on the map.

Photo 4 Photo 5
Through the gap in the wall and down to the Wooden Bridge. David took us up into Gravel Hole Wood, along the path through Dog Kennel Wood

Photo 6 Photo 12 Photo 7
and up into the field towards Hawks Clough.

A cyclist giving way to pedestrians
- taken just after photo 12 (This photo and Photo 12 were added after the map was drawn)

Photo 8 Photo 9
We carried on up to the Ponderosa where Christine, Linda, Pauline and Dorothy found the latest works on the 'estate' interesting.

Photo 10 Photo 11
Along Cam Lane and down into Green Wood up to the top and down to Hawks Clough again. It was getting late so David led us back to the Barn over the Stone Bridge and up the hill.

Today's Walks - Blue Route the short walk and the Red Route the long one, most of us.