Health Walk - Thursday 9th October 2014
Please click on photos to see a larger one
David was leader again. Eight of us were willing but there was some doubt about the weather and how long we would walk. The weather was windy and changeable, showers were forecast but we set off in the hope of some sunshine and not too much wind. The valley can appear to be quite sheltered.
We set off just before ten past, we're supposed to start at ten.
David, after outlining the possibilities, we were concerned about the rain, led us off into the Pinetum.

Photo 1
Here we are all together walking down through the Pinetum. Over the Wooden Bridge and Peter elected to walk along the bottom and back up to the Barn over the Stone Bridge (green route). The rest of us turned right and walked up into Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 3a
We are just coming out of Dog Kennel Wood (Photo 3a is a different crop of Photo 3)

Photo 4
David striding out encouraging us to walk briskly. At the top of the rise we walked down to the Lake.

Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7
A fisherman sheltering from the vagaries of the weather with his outlook across the Lake. We are huddled together before descending down to the Picnic Area.

Photo 8
We came across these school children, a seemingly never ending procession as they embarked from the coach blocking the road just as we arrived. There must be another group elsewhere in the Park, possibly near the Ice House.

Photo 9
Even though we were in light rain there was plenty of blue sky around. The weather picked up from now on.

Photo 10
Over the Stone Bridge where three of us decided to head back for the Barn (blue route) leaving four of us to continue to Cock Cabin Wood.

Photo 11 Photo 12 Photo 13
Cock Cabin Pond

Photo 14 Photo 15 Photo 16
Watching the rain drops on the pond, looking for fishes and at the blue sky

Today's Walks - Green Route Peter's walk, Blue Route the medium walk and the Red Route the long one - The initial paths of the blue and green routes are red.