Health Walk - Thursday 23rd October 2014
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A calmer morning but as we left home it was drizzling but by the time we started it was dry. Eight of us turned up, there are a few on holiday. Michael took charge and led off into the Pinetum

Photo 1
Here we are all together walking down from the Pinetum and over the Wooden Bridge.

Photo 2
Sue didn't want to walk too far so elected to walk along the bottom again and back up to the Barn over the Stone Bridge (Blue route). Carmel agreed to accompany her.

Photo 3
The rest of us walked up into Gravel Hole Wood then Dog Kennel Wood. As we came out of Dog Kennel Wood Jacqueline went off to meet Sue and Carmel, as arranged, at the Wooden Bridge, but they were getting cold so they had started to walk up to meet us. Carole decided to walk with Jacqueline, green route, and Carmel joined the rest of us now that Sue had good company walking back to the Barn. We carried on up the hill and down to the Lake, walking round the Lake and on to the Picnic Area.

Photo 4
I took this photo to compare it with Tuesday's photo
on the right when the river was in spate. I should have been more careful in remembering the spot I took it from.

Photo 5
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked up to Cock Cabin Wood and came back towards the Stone Bridge and up the hill, round the side of the Hall and back to the Barn where we had a cup of tea and biscuit with Alison the new Education Secretary/Organiser - not sure of her title
