Health Walk - Tuesday 27th January 2015
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Eight of us today: Carmel, Carol, Elizabeth M, Helen, Jim, June, Michael, and Sue.
Michael took control and headed off into the Pinetum. It was a dull day with rain threatening but the birds were singing, hopefully a sign of spring to come.

Photo 1
Down to the Wooden Bridge

Photo 2
An unusual vista made possible by the lack of leave. Then up into Gravel Hole Wood, through Dog Kennel Wood to the edge of the Lake where Jim, June & Sue left us to take the direct route back, over the Stone Bridge and up to the Barn
We walked round the edge of the Lake, round the Picnic area, over the Stone Bridge and along the Cycle Track to Cock Cabin Wood, round the pond.

Photo 3
Leaving the pond behind we walked through Cock Cabin Wood

Photo 4
Leaving the wood we rejoined the cycle track, deviated through the little unnamed wood and and walked back down towards the Stone Bridge.
We left the Stone Bridge behind and walked up the hill back to the Barn, by way of the south side of the Hall, for our refreshments

Today's walk