Health Walk - Tuesday 10th February 2015
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Eight of us today: Carmel, Caroline, Colin, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Helen, Michael and Sandy.
We welcomed Caroline and Colin, today was their first walk with us. We were also delighted to see Elizabeth H who has been unwell far so long this year. Elizabeth M elected Michael leader and we headed off into the Pinetum. It was rather dull and cold but OK for walking.
Down to the Wooden Bridge. We crossed the bridge and walked up
into Gravel Hole Wood and through Dog Kennel Wood. Into the field, up the hill and down the steps to the Lake.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Michael got them all to pose, pretend they were watching the birds, and then Carmel insisted on talking a photo with Michael in it.
We walked round the edge of the Lake, round the Picnic area, over the Stone Bridge and along the Cycle Track into the Unnamed Wood. Back on the Cycle Track we entered Cock Cabin Wood,
Photo 3
round the pond and headed towards the Cinder Path. It hasn't been a good day for photos.
We saw lots of birds, many we couldn't identify, but we picked out lots of Mallards, some Moorhens, Coots, Canada Geese, Black Headed Gulls. As we walked up to the Unnamed wood we saw a couple of Magpies and then two Robins. There was a large white bird with the Canada Geese in the field in front of the Hall - a Goose?
We arrived back at the Barn to welcome June and Jim who had been to the hospital.

Today's walk