Health Walk - Tuesday 24th February 2015
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Only five of us today: Brian, Elizabeth M, Helen, Michael and Sandy. Brain making a welcome return.
Michael was assumed to be leading.
We walked into the Pinetum and along the top path to the viewing area. Her we watched a Nuthatch and two Long Tailed Tits on the bird feeder. Why oh why didn't I take a photograph? It only occurred to me as we approached the Wooden Bridge.
We walked up
into Gravel Hole Wood, through Dog Kennel Wood and down to the Lake. We walked round the edge of the Lake.

At the top of the steps I managed to get them to pretend to look at the birds for a photograph. We saw the Grebes and a Cormorant as well as the Canada Geese, Mallards, Coots and Black Headed Gulls still in their winter plumage.
Down the steps to the Picnic Area and across the Stone Bridge. As we walked up the hill we spotted a lovely Robin.
Through the Unnamed Wood, Cock Cabin Wood circling the Pond and back to the Barn via the Cinder Path for our refreshments.
Approaching the Cinder Path we were pounded by a sharp shower of hail stones. The threatened rain didn't materialise and the strong winds didn't spoil our morning walk.

Today's walk