Health Walk - Tuesday 3rd March 2015
Photos by Sandy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Thanks to Sandy for the report and photos below:
Helen led Carmel, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Mary and Sandy through the car park to the Pinetum. We went along the viewing gallery, down Cardiac Hill to the valley bottom
Photo 1 Photo 2
Right along the Cycle Track and up through the woods towards the lake.

Photo 3
The clouds were gathering as we looped through the field, back along the lake - watched by a nosy goose - and down to the stone bridge.

Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6
It started to gently sleet, so the walk was shorted and we climbed Snake Hill as the weather worsened and returned to the barn.

Photo 7
The rain had stopped after the walk and as you can see the work has commenced on laying the final piece of the cable to the new Visitor’s Centre

Today's walk