Susan's Garden in April 2000
Our garden
is mainly the creation of Sue's mum, Phyllis Annie Bull, who has lived with
us since 1983.
We moved
into the bungalow on 4th January 1970. We were the first owners' and the plot
was like a normal building site, rubble and thinly scattered top soil.
We cleared
the site of all the clay. We drained the back garden with a deep sump and a
series of trenches, utilising the builder's rubble and planted lawns both front
and rear.
Below is a tour round
the back garden, clockwise from where you enter it. The back
garden plants can be seen in more detail and the front
garden is on another page.
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This is the
Northern side of the back garden seen from outside mum's room. The wheelbarrow
originally belonged to Steven, Sue's son, and was saved from the tip last
year. It's got last years hanging basket in it at the moment. Next door's
tree has been severly pollarded as you can see but already it is fighting
back and full of life. We seem to have lost the clematis but the*** is
doing well. The holly and honey suckle have survived a severe cut back
as well. The tree heather has been scalped, sadly too soon as most of
the flowers have been cut off. Michael's
garden can be seen at the edge of the lawn. In the corner can be seen
the bird bath and statuette.
The magnolia is just coming into bloom.
This is looking
from the entrance to the rear garden with the Northern side on your left
and is a view along the Eastern border. the dark lady is again plain to
see. Behind the magnolia is a winter jasmin, a climbing rose and the rampant
lilac. Next to the magnolia is a pink camelia, whic has bloomed well this
Spring. Behind and between is a white camelia struggling to get to the
front. You can just see the ornamental
weeping cherry. Beyond that is the rhododendrum, President Rosevelt,
with the mahonia and the last of the daffodils in the corner
This is the start of the Souther border dominated by
the eucaluptus tree. There is a small weeping willow set into the lawn.
You can see the variagated
leaf plant, phormium veriegatum,
and above it you can just see the acer. Above the rhododendron is the yellow garryia elliptica. The fence in the background is new this
round further the vast expanse of sky has just been revealed as next door
but one have cut down their silver birch tree. Hidden is the rockery and
the budlea tree. The pots are all on the patio outside mum's sitting room
On the left is mum's sitting room next to her bedroom.
The unpruned wisteria is just about to break out into flower. We've not
put the hanging baskets up yet or the colourfull display of plants on
the racks, the left hand one of which you can see.