Health Walk - Thursday 8th January
Please click on pictures to see a larger one (Photos by Sandy)
Sandy writes:
We were lucky on Thursday and had fine weather sandwiched between two large hail showers.

Photo 1
David (the Leader), Helen, Lin, Elizabeth M, Carole, Linda D and Sandy walked down through the Pinetum across the bridge

Photo 2
noting the swollen river, and then right and up into the wood.

Photo 3
The far side of the lake remained out of bounds due to tree felling, so we went around the rest of the lake,

Photo 4
stopping for Helen and David to feed the ducks.

Photo 5 Photo 6
We crossed the stone bridge turning right up through the wood and around the pond.
We returned to the stone bridge and returned to the Barn up the hill and through the car park.

Today's walk
Many thanks to Sandy for the words and photographs |