Health Walks 2015
Please click on pictures to see a larger one
Thursda y 31st December - Twelve. A bit nippy but the sun was shining brightly in a clear sky . . .
Tuesday 29th December - Sixteen, a good turnout . . .
Thursday 24th December - Christmas Eve - Well we arose to heavy rain but by the time we set off . . .
Tuesday 22nd December - . . . Michael was leading and we set off into the Pinetum and up to the viewing area where we saw Squirrels and Long Tailed Tits amongst other birds. . . .
Thursday 17th December - Spitting with rain which turned into drizzle for a while but it was quite pleasant and warm, warmer than the seasonal average
Tuesday 15th December - It was a lovely warm morning with sunshine at the end. Today we had fourteen walkers . . .
Thursday 10th December - a pleasant morning for twelve of us . . .
Tuesday 8th December - A lovely morning with sunshine . . .
Thursday 3rd December - More rain and drizzle but fifteen turned up plus one who missed us . . .
Tuesday 1st December - December already! A good turnout and the rain held off . . .
Thursday 26th November - damp with drizzle but 21 walkers turned out
Tuesday 24th November - More rain but eleven of us turned up to walk . . .
Thursday 19th November - Despite the heavy rain at times twelve people turned up and walked . . .
Tuesday 17th November - Overcast and Rain promised but it didn't deter us . . .
Thursday 12th November - Against all expectations it was a lovely morning. . . . the building site was a hive of activity . . .
Tuesday 10th November - After days of rain and high winds it was a lovely morning . . .
Thursday 5th November - Eighteen today! Overcast but warm . . .
Tuesday 3rd November - A dull morning but pleasant for walking . . .
Thursday 29th October - Only twelve to day, the first time we had les than the Tuesday - Rain? . . .
Tuesday 27th October - Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of the first walk from the Barn . . .
Thursday 22nd October - We had 16 walkers today . . . It was another dry morning with sunny intervals. . . .
Tuesday 20th October - Another pleasant morning with flashes of sunshine and thirteen walkers . . .
Thursday 15th October - Seventeen today . . .
Tuesday 13th October - Another sunnuy morning but a bit nippy earlier . . .
Thursday 8th October - 19 today!
Tuesday 6th October - Seventeen today! Michael was leading again. He explained his plans and we . . .
Thursday 1st October - Down to ten but we had a great walk, good for both the body and soul . . .
Tuesday 29th September - Another delightful Indian summer morning . . .
Thursday 24th September - Heavy rain overnight and first thing but it was fine for our walk
Tuesday 22nd September - We had a good turnout today - 15
Thursday 17th September - Overcast and the walkers were mutinous . . .
Tuesday 15th September - Another sunny morning with eleven walkers . .
Thursday 10th September - Lots of sunshine . . .
Tuesday 8th September - Eleven today . . .
Thursday 3rd September - only nine today, many regulars were in Harrogate with the Women's Institute
Tuesday 1st September - eleven today but sorry no photos
Thursday 27th August - A lovely morning for a walk plus many photos . . .
Tuesday 25th August - We had 11 walkers today - . . .
Thursday 20th August - Eleven today
Tuesday 18th August - We walked round Cock Cabin Pond and . . .
Thursday 13th August - Bright, dry and muggy but it was OK . . .
Tuesday 11th August - Fifteen to day, equal highest number of Tuesday walkers this year
Thursday 6th August - Gentle rain turning to heavy rain . . .
Tuesday 4th August - Fourteen today, a good number for a Tuesday . . .
Thursday 30th July - We expected glorious sunshine but it wasn't to be. It was dry and we all enjoyed the walk . . .

Tuesday 28th July - Another new walker today! It was a bit muggy but the rain held of and we had some sunshine . . .
Thursday 23rd July - No photos. The red route below is similar to the walk they did
Tuesday 21st July - We welcomed three new walkers today! . . .
Thursday 16th July - Sixteen today
Tuesday 14th July - Another nice morning, dry with flashes of sun. We were unsure . . .
Thursday 9th July - A bit cool but sunny, a locely morning for our walk . . .
Tuesday 7th July - Would it rain? Well it did several times but it didn't dampen our spirits!
Thursday 2nd July - Warm but the sun was hiding in fact it looked like it may rain but it didn't . . .
Tuesday 30th June - We received the sad news that Bernadette had died in St. Catherine's Hospice
Thursday 25th June - A warm sunny morning again. Fourteen today.
Tuesday 23rd June - . . . The buttercups are blossoming throughout the Park . . .
Thursday 18th June - Participant list only
Tuesday 16th June - Brian led us along the side of the barn where the wild flower meadow was in full flower . . .
Thursday 11th June - Helen was leading . . . .
Tuesday 9th June - A dry sunny morning, it clouded over towards the end of the walk . . .
Thursday 4th June - Back to normal . . . .
Tuesday 2nd June - Today was a special day, a walk to celebrate the efforts of volunteers . . .
Thursday 28th May - Eleven today . . .
Tuesday 26th May - At Town Brow we split into two groups . . .
Thursday 21st May - Dry and cool, where was the promised sunshine. Thirteen today . . . .
Tuesday 19th May - A dry morning, occasional sun and very windy but it didn't rain!
Thursday 14th May - Dry, cool in the shade but we had sunshine. Eighteen today. . . .
Tuesday 12th May - A dry morning, occasional sun and very windy. We had eight walkers . . .
Thursday 7th May - Dry but threatening to rain but it didn't and we had sunshine at times . . .
Tuesday 5th May - The forecast for Tuesday morning was wet, wet, wet. However . . .

Thursday 30th April - Dry but threatening to rain but it didn't and we had sunshine at times. It was still cold . . .
Tuesday 28th April - It was dry but there were rain; we had some sunny spells but the wind was biting cold . . .
Thursday 23rd April - Seventeen today including two new walkers, Rose and Pat. Another glorious spring/summer morning. . . .
Tuesday 21st April - A lovely sunny morning with fourteen walkers, some in shirt sleeves . . . .
Thursday 16th April - Thirteen today plus Alison and Joe's dogs . . .
Tuesday 14th April - Fifteen today - good turnout
Thursday 9th April - summer? It was relatively warm, ideal conditions for us, coats abandoned . . .
Tuesday 7th April - A lovely spring morning with eleven walkers . . . .
Thursday 2nd April - Helen led us round the south side of the Hall and down Snake Hill to the Stone Bridge . . .
Tuesday 31st March - A wild and showery day, this time we didn't escape the weather . . .
Thursday 26th March - Again we cheated the threatened weather
Tuesday 24th March - The Volunteer Rangers were already hard at work . . .
Thursday 19th March - Nineteen today including five new walkers . . .
Tuesday 17th March - There were eleven of us: . . . .
Thursday 12th March -Eight walkers today . . . David agreed to lead.
Tuesday 10th March - A gloriously sunny spring day . . . .
Thursday 5th March - David was the Leader. He was accompanied by . . . .

Tuesday 3rd March - Helen led Carmel, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Mary and Sandy . . . .

Thursday 26th February - . . . Helen was the leader, we braved the earlier foul weather (heavy rain) to have fair weather on our walk. . . .
Tuesday 24th February - Five set off into the wind
Thursday 19th February - Thursday was a very wet day, which probably discouraged some people
Tuesday 17th February - Six of us today: Carmel, Carole, Caroline, Colin, Elizabeth H, and Helen.
Thursday 12th February -We walked from the Barn along the Cinder Path and saw recently arrived Canada geese in the parkland near the Hall.

Tuesday 10th February - eight again
Thursday 5th February - Up to eight today . . .
Tuesday 3rd February - Seven today on a lovely crisp and sunny morning . . .

Thursday 29th January - Only three today - there had been a bad weather forecast . . .
Tuesday 27th January - Eight today, it was dull with rain threatening . . . .
Thursday 22nd January - There was mist in the distance and it felt colder than the 1° recorded on my car . . .
Tuesday 20th January - Seven of us enjoyed a walk in the cold but sometimes sunny morning . . . .
Thursday 15th January - It was cold but well worth turning out. Great walk . . . .
Tuesday 13th January - Seven of us today, Carol W, Elizabeth M, Helen, Jim, June, Michael and Sandy.
Thursday 8th January - We were lucky we had fine weather sandwiched between two large hail showers.
Tuesday 6th January - It was pouring down at the start . . . .

Thursday 1st January - Today was our third New Year's Day walk and it rained yet again! We keep hoping for a sunny day . . .