Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one We had 16 walkers today - Ann, Bernadette D, Carol, Carole, Colin D, David H, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Helen F, James, Linda D, Mary, Michael, Paul, Peter. Against all expectations it was a lovely morning. David took the lead again. After a general view that the Cinder Path would be very wet David outlined where he would take us and we set off towards the Stone Bridge.
We didn't cross the Stone Bridge but turned left and walked up Bikers Hill into Walkers Wood. We left the wood, Peter resting while we entered Cock Cabin Wood
We walked along the bottom of the dam and climbed up to the Lake. Continuing round the Lake we climbed up into Dog Kennel Wood. Emerging from Gravel Hole Wood we met Peter again just before we crossed the Wooden Bridge. Peter had stopped to talk to another person on the way to the Wooden Bridge.
It was another good walk, thanks David Michael Swarbrick |