Health Walk - Thursday 26th February
Please click on pictures to see a larger one - Photos by Sandy
Thanks to Sandy for the report and photos below:
David H, Elizabeth M, Helen, Jacquie, Mary and Sandy were walking today, Helen was the leader. We braved the earlier foul weather (heavy rain) to have fair weather on their walk.
We were led from the Barn, along the Cinder Path down towards the Valley.

Photo 1 Photo 2
There was evidence of the previous heavy rainfall all around us and the Canada Geese were paddling around in the middle of the field in front of the Hall.

Photo 3
We turned off towards Cock Cabin Pond, but for a change walked the circuit through the woods anti clockwise and then continued down through the woods to the stone bridge, stopping on the way to have a chat.

Photo 4
The river flowed very swiftly and was very full.
We continued up around the lake; through Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 5
and returned to the Barn up Cardiac Hill and through the Pinetum.

Today's walk