Health Walk - Thursday 12th March
Photos by Michael & Sandy - Please click on pictures to see a larger one
Eight walkers today Bernadette, Carmel, David, Jacquie, Linda E, Michael, Sandy and Sue. David agreed to lead.
He led us round the back to the Cinder Path. Sue isn't happy going down the Cinder Path at the moment, sight problems, so Carmel walked with her round the front of the Hall.
We walked round Cock Cabin Pond.

Photo 15 - Sandy
As we emerged from the Wood we spotted these Canada Geese on the casual water near the old Hall drive.
We continued down through the Unnamed Wood, across the Stone Bridge and up the steps to the Lake.

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 3 - Sandy
Just an ordinary view of the Lake from the top of the northern steps but look more closely and you'll see a Heron and three Cormorants. We also saw both Grebes today along with moorhens, ducks and geese.

Photo 4
Sandy pointing out the Heron
Photo 5 Photo 6

Photo 7
A camouflaged squirrel

Photo 16 - Sandy

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We walked round the lake

Photo 10
and climbed up through the Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood,down to the Cycle Track and across the Wooden Bridge up into the Pinetum.

Photo 11
stopping for a breather on Cardiac Hill

Photo 12
two hard working volunteers, Dave on the right, making for the Walled Orchard to tidy up the grass. Dave has planted new yew trees to replace the few that didn't survive the winter.

Photo 13 Photo 14
Another stump and a spring Daffodil
Back to the barn where we joined Sue and Carmel for tea/coffee and biscuits. Sue and Carmel had walked round the front of the Hall, down Snake Hill. over the Stone Bridge, along the Cycle Track and up Cardiac Hill, along the eastern edge of the Pinetum and back to the Barn.

Today's walks