Health Walk - Thursday 15th January
Please click on pictures to see a larger one - Photos by Sandy
Sandy writes:
It was lovely sunny morning, another window in the weather that was kind to us. It was cold but well worth turning out. Great walk as Linda P said

Photo 1
David (the Leader), Carmel, Helen, Linda E, Linda P, Elizabeth M, Mary and Sandy walked through the car park down the hill and up to the lake.

Photo 2
The dog, Freddie, set a fearsome pace. Freddie belongs to Alison our Education Officer and Linda P is doing her a favour exercising Freddie as otherwise he'd be confined to the Park Office all day.

Photo 3
There was one Great Crested Grebe visible, but keeping its distance, and a Coot came to investigate what we were doing.

Photo 4
We walk all around the lake through the newly felled trees

Photo 5
and looped around back and through Dog Kennel Wood, Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 6 Photo 7
and up through the Pinetum then back though the car park to the Barn. Most of the group are visible on the top path.

Today's walk
Many thanks to Sandy for the words and photographs |