Health Walk - Tuesday 18th August 2015
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Dry again, high cloud.
We had 10 walkers today - Barbara L, Barbara N, Frankie, Lawrence, Maureen, Michael, Pat, Paul, Peter & Sue.
Michael led down to the Stone Bridge.
Photo 1
It all seems a bit slow?

Photo 2
It was Barbara L's first walk this year, trailing here with Sue.

Photo 3
Only just started and we were held up by the cows crossing the path.

Photo 4 Photo 5
The leader is in the middle here.

Photo 6
Walking down Snake Hill.
We walked up the hill on the Cycle Track and into Cock Cabin Wood. Barbara L and Sue rested on the picnic bench and then walked back to the Cycle Track and down the cinder path - blue route.
We walked round the pond emerging on the the Cycle Track again and down through Walkers' Wood.
At the Stone Bridge Peter left us to walk along the river waiting for us at the Wooden Bridge after walking up to the stile into the Cow Field- green route. Crossing the Stone Bridge we climbed the steps up to the Lake. Here we paused to gather our breath. We continued round the Lake where we encountered

Photo 7
two fishermen.
We climbed up into the field and back down to the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood. We climbed up into the wood eventually coming into Gravel Hole Wood and down to the Cycle Track.
Over the Stone Bridge and into the Pinetum struggling up Cardiac hill and back to the Barn for our refreshments
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |