Health Walk - Thursday 29th October 2015
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
We had 12 walkers today - Ann, Colin D, David H, Elizabeth H, James, Joanne, Julie, Linda P, Michael, Paul, Peter and Sue - enthusiasts who despite the inclement weather turned up to walk.
It was a dull damp morning with showers some heavy.

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When we arrived it was the children's Halloween Spooky Fun morning. Sharon, the lovely witch booking them in and setting them off, David making the Quidditch Flying Besoms outside the foyer. Alison was also wandering around dressed in witch's clothing.
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David accepted the lead again and outlined where he would take us and we set off towards the Pinetum.

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Linda has got Alison's dog Freddie

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We crossed the Wooden Bridge and got in the way of Joe and David who were putting out the barriers ready for setting up the Zombies event at the weekend

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Sue elected to do a shorter walk, Elizabeth insisted on keeping her company, and they set off north along the river - green route. Where there are green arrows on the red route on the map it means we've all walked the same way at those sections.
Peter was trying the long walk today.

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We walked in the opposite direction and then up into Gravel Hole Wood

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and continued into Dog Kennel Wood.

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We walked up into the field and dropped down to the Lake

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We walked round the shore and along the Dam

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We climbed down to the Picnic Area - yes climbed, for some of us it's easy to walk up steps than down.

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A different view of he Ford

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We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked towards Cock Cabin Wood this time missing out Walkers Wood. They are waiting for me to catch up, perhaps they're resting after the steep climb?
As we entered Cock Cabin Wood the heavens opened and we enjoyed a prolonged heavy shower.
Elizabeth and Sue had done the same route as us and the rain caught them as they walked up Sue Ryder Drive having reached there by way of the Cinder Path.
We had previously decide that parts of the Cinder Path would be muddy so we walked back down towards the Stone Bridge and back to the Barn via Snake Hill
It was another good walk, thanks David
Today's walks.
Michael Swarbrick |