Health Walk - Thursday 19th March
Photos by Michael & Sandy - Please click on pictures to see a larger one
Nineteen walkers today including five new ones. Welcome Irene, Margaret, Margery, Maureen and Jim. Also walking were Brian, Carmel, Carol, Carole, Christine, David H, Dorothy, Helen, Linda D, Linda P, Michael, Pauline, Sandy and Sue. Michael elected to lead.
He led us into the Pinetum and up to the viewing centre where we found squirrels on the bird feeders but no birds although there were many flying around.
We walked down to the Stone Bridge where Carmel insisted on accompanying Sue on the short walk - green route on map. The rest of us walked into Gavel Hole Wood

Photo 1 Photo 2
and on into the Cow Field, there were no cows to be seen but lots of sheep which can be seen in the enlarged photos. The stiles and the steps up to the top are becoming more and more challenging as we age.
As we were a little late starting we continued along Cam Lane past the Ponderosa to Hawkes Clough and then along the edge of the field and down the steps

Photo 3 - Sandy Photo 4 - Sandy Photo 5 - Sandy
to the Lake and round the Lake,

Photo 6 - Sandy Photo 7 - Sandy
There was only one cormorant today?
down to the Picnic area and over the Stone Bridge, then up Snake Hill

Photo 8
and back to the Barn for our refreshments

Photo 9 Photo 10 Photo 11
Preparing the ground for a small extension to the car park for the new visitors centre. Photo 9 was taken before the walk started, 10 & 11 as we approached the end of the walk

Today's walks