Health Walk - Tuesday 8th December 2015
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Sunshine for a change! In fact it was a lovely morning.
Again we had 13 walkers - Carmel, Carol, Carole, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Frankie, James, Judy, Lawrence, Michael, Pat, Sandy and Sue.

Photo 1 Photo 2
Arriving for the walk, I got Elizabeth H to pose for Photo 2.
Michael was leading again and we set off towards the Stone Bridge.

Photo 3
Volunteers working away on the new Visitors Centre.

Photo 4
I thought Carmel and Sue were going to filter off and walk towards the Hall but they carried on with us to the Gregsons Seat before turning back and then walking to the Hall - green route.
We crossed the Stone Bridge and climbed up to the Lake. Round the Lake and up into the Field towards the Ponderosa.

Photo 5
Last week's casual water still evident on Cam Lane.
We crossed Sheephill Brow and walked down entering the Park at the Town Brow car park.

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Here I encouraged the leading five to carry on otherwise they would have got cold waiting for the others to catch up. The trailing five were particularly slow but had got engaged in conversation. Comment from Carol on seeing the photos on Facebook "Nice to see what I got up too ( missed a lot whilst chatting!!!)"

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I raced ahead of the trailing group and detoured to look at the stepping stones.

Photo 10
Coming back on to the walk I took this photo, actually it's two merged, to show how far ahead the leaders had got.

Photo 11

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The leading five have crossed the Wooden Bridge and we are still well behind.

Photo 14
Approaching the Wooden Bridge

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Two more shots of the new Visitors Centre

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I took another detour to capture these photos. That was James? How he got behind?

Photo 19
Our group passing the Walled Orchard and following were the leading group! They had taken the high route to look for Nuthatches on the bird feeder but they didn't see any.

Photo 20
Back in the Barn enjoying our refreshments and Peter's birthday cake. Peter and Barbara had joined us.
Sue and Carmel had walked round the front of the Hall and down to Shady Lane, back up Cuerden Close on to the Hall Drive and back to the Barn.

Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |