Health Walk - Thursday 24th September 2015
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
We had ten walkers today - Ann, David H, Frankie, Jim, Linda P, Mary, Michael, Paul, Sandy and Sue. Perhaps a better turnout than expected because of the heavy rain during the night and early morning.
David was again the leader.

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We entered the Pinetum and walked down to the Wooden Bridge

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After the Wooden Bridge Sue decided that she couldn't manage the climb into Gravel Hole Wood so she set off along the Cycle Track.
We walked through Gravel Hole Wood and into Dog Kennel Wood and up into the field. We dropped down to the Lake where we caught Sue up. She had seen a Grey Wagtail.
Down to the Picnic Area and across the Stone Bridge.

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We set off up the hill to Cock Cabin Wood but part way up Sue decided it was too much and she returned and walked up Snake Hill back to the Barn.

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On the level again and entering Cock Cabin Wood

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We didn't see any fish, some were hoping to see the giant Carp, the pond appeared lifeless.
We returned down the Cycle Track and walked up Snake Hill.

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The work covered up to keep out the rain, we need a lot more sun before winter sets in.

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Today's walks.
Michael Swarbrick |