Health Walk - Thursday 21st May
Photos by Michael - Please click on pictures to see a larger one
Dry and cool, where was the promised sunshine. Thirteen today. Carmel, Carole, David H, Helen, Joanne, Julie, Linda D, Linda P, Michael S, Sandy, Sue and two welcome newcomers: Craig and Michael M.
Michael was leading. He set off towards the Stone Bridge. At the gate at the end of the parking area Sue turned off to walk towards the Hall - Carmel didn't notice until we were halfway down Snake Hill! Sue walked round the front of the Hall and back on to Berkeley Drive, cutting through the little housing estate and round the barns and up past the Sue Ryder Cafe. She continued into the Pinetum to the Viewing Area and then back to the Barn- green route.
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked up to the Lake

Photo 1
Joanne and Julie leading alongside the dam

Photo 2
We were disappointed to see only one gosling. Where where the others we saw last week?

Photo 3
We walked round the Lake and up into the field where the walkers where captivated by a dog. We walked along the edge of the field and up to the Ponderosa continuing along Cam Lane then down into Green Wood.

Photo 4
As we reached the first Footbridge a plank was missing and one broken. Linda P reported this to Jim, the Park Manager, when we got back.

Photo 5
As we were leaving Green Wood at Hawkes Clough we waited for Craig and Michael to catch up. We walked down the field and up into Dog Kennel Wood then Gravel Hole Wood.

Photo 6
As we left Gravel Hole Wood we noticed lots of children and two tents?
We continued along the Cycle Track, over the Wooden Bridge and into the Pinetum and back to the Barn where Sue was waiting for us.

Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |