Health Walk - Thursday 2nd July
Photos by Michael - Please click on pictures to see a larger one
Warm but the sun was hiding in fact it looked like it may rain but it didn't.
We were all gathered ready to set off when a few of us realised we had no leader. Michael said he'd do it and so did David H as well as Helen. As neither of them sounded really keen David B said he would lead and sounded enthusiastic.
We had eighteen today - our best number for a while. Carmel, Carol, Carole, David B, David H, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Helen, Ian, Irene S, Jacqueline, Linda E, Linda D, Mary, Maureen, Michael, Sandy and Sue. Although Ian has been on all the New Year's Day walks I think today was his first walk during the week.

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David explained his plans and we set off into the Pinetum and down towards the Wooden Bridge.

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David talking about Butter Burr and one or two other plants

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At the 'T' junction Sue and Carmel normally walk north alongside the river but today Sue decided she'd try and make it through the woods. Here David is explaining about the two tallest trees in the Park. We headed up into Gravel Hole Wood.

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Ahead of us were a large group of school children. There were a large number of them with several, I presumed, teachers. As we got over the rise they stood aside to let the 'old people' pass.

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Leaving Dog Kennel Wood, before we walked up into the field, Sue and Carmel left us to walk round the Lake and down to the Stone Bridge then up Snake Hill back to the Barn - their route was the same as ours except for the green bits

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More valuable information about the Park's flora.

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Looking back the children were emerging from Dog Kennel Wood. We had heard them behind ever since we overtook them. It seemed as if they very happy and loud, I could almost hear them singing 'nick nack paddy wack . . . . ' (Inn of Sixth Happiness). I found out later that they were a private party and not under the guidance of our Education Team however there were two groups of children under Alison's direction in the Park.

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We dropped down to the Lake where the little goslings were on view again except they weren't so little now. David explained how the male ducks were turning brown, now that the mating season is over they lose their best clothes. He also said that while the ducklings are small the parents keep themselves and the ducklings concealed, that's why there don's seem to be so many ducks and probably why we hadn't seen the goslings for a while.

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Walking down to the Stone Bridge we spotted Alison, our Education Officer, with her dog, approaching the bridge.

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We crossed the Stone Bridge, pausing for more interesting information, then walked up Snake Hill
Resisted the temptation to sit on the Gregson's seat

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Approaching the Hall Linda found a bee on the footpath and was moving it to safety.
We arrived back to the Barn for our refreshments and thanked David for a very interesting nature walk.
David reported on Facebook that he enjoyed leading the walk today, meeting a few of the newer walkers. He hopes it will not be too long before he leads again. He explained that we saw common spotted orchid, yellow rattle, both red and white clover, yellow pimpernel, enchanter's nightshade, self heal, Flag Iris,Himalayan Balsam frown emoticon foxglove, and woody nightshade.
Fauna observed were chiffchaff, wren, nuthatch, robin, greenfinch, whitethroat, Canada geese + goslings, goldcrest, mallard in eclipse, coot, collared dove, wood pigeon, speckled wood butterfly and some Banded Demoiselles.
Today's routes
Michael Swarbrick |