Health Walk - Thursday 14th May
Photos by Michael - Please click on pictures to see a larger one
Dry, cool in the shade but we had sunshine. Eighteen today. Carmel, Carol, Carole, Christine, David H, Dorothy, Elizabeth M, Gwen, Irene S, Linda D, Linda E, Mary, Michael, Pauline, Sandy, Sue and two welcome newcomers: Joanne and Julie.

Photo 1
David tidying up in preparation for the Spring Fair

Photo 2
Michael was leading and we set off round the side of the Barn on to Sue Ryder's drive. Here Sue, who doesn't like the Cinder Path and didn't want to traverse any hills carried on down the Drive to Shady Lane with Carmel and wound a tortuous route back to the Barn - green route. We walked along the Cinder Path and the Cycle Track towards Cock Cabin Wood.

Photo 3 Photo 4
Walking round the Pond we spotted these tadpoles - you can see them if you look hard.
We walked through the wood and into Walkers' Wood then on over the Stone Bridge

Photo 5
to the steps up to the Lake.

Photo 6
There were more little families of Canada Geese today.

Photo 7
Round the Lake and up into the Field then back down to the entrance and into Dog Kennel Wood.

Photo 8 Photo 9
Through Gravel Hole Wood, over the Wooden Bridge and up Cardiac Hill up the steps to the Viewing Area in the Pinetum

Photo 10
Again we saw David labouring away. David volunteers for gardening every Thursday.

Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |