Health Walk - Tuesday 24th November 2015
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we started our walk in the rain, quite heavy at times, but everyone seemed in good spirits.
Again we had 11 walkers - Carmel, Elizabeth H, Frankie, James, Linda E, Lawrence, Michael, Pat, Peter, Sandy and Sue.
Michael was leading and we set off towards the Stone Bridge.

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As we approached the new building four volunteers/rangers were preparing to lift the roof trusses stacked in the car park and as you can see two were waiting for them. They really have been working hard under terrible conditions and I can't help feeling bad because I'm not helping.
As we approached the Kissing Gate Peter and Sue left us again to find a walk on the level, Sue is recovering from her cold. We felt it wise to stick to surfaced paths because of the recent heavy rain - there seems to be no end of it at the moment.
We carried on down to the Stone Bridge but turned up Bikers' Hill towards Cock Cabin Pond.
We returned through Walkers' Wood, crossed the Stone Bridge and climbed up to the Lake. As we walked along the foot of the Dam we noticed Black Headed Gulls in the casual water on the Picnic Area.
We walked round the Lake, again we saw one of the Great Crested Grebes, and up into the field but came down again and entered Dog Kennel Wood.
We walked through the wood into Gravel Hole Wood then emerged on to the Cycle Track and walked over the Wooden Bridge and up Cardiac Hill.

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As you can see despite the rain the valiant workers had got more trusses in place by now.

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We entered the Pinetum, again it was remaked that we could do with a seat here, and after looking into the Walled Orchard made our way back to the Barn.
Peter and Sue had walked past the front of the Hall and down the drive to Cuerden Close then into Shady Lane turning up into Berkeley Drive and back to the Barn.
Everyone enjoyed the walk despite the rain.

Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |