Health Walk - Tuesday 7th April 2015
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
A lovely spring morning with eleven walkers. Brian, Carmel, Helen, Irene, Jacqueline, Jillian, Jim, June, Margaret, Michael, and Sue. It was Jillian's first walk with us.
Michael decided to lead and he led us down Snake Hill towards the Stone Bridge. Jim, June and Sue fell behind and walked along the Cycle Track - green route - towards the Covert Pond.
The rest of us joined the Cycle Track and walked towards Cock Cabin Wood. We walked round Cock Cabin Pond, out of the wood into the Unnamed Wood, over the Stone Bridge. Here Jacqueline decided to walk along the Valley Floor and back to the Barn via Cardiac Hill and the Pinetum, fortunately, Carmel insisted on accompanying her, blue route.
We walked around the Picnic Area and climbed up to the Lake
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Hidden by the reeds is the Heron.

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The Heron continued upwards into the trees on the island
We walked round the Lake, into the field, back down to the Lake and up into Dog Kennel Wood. On through Gravel Hole Wood and down to the Cycle Track, over the Wooden Bridge and up into the Pinetum.

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The Old Man of the Tree has had a haircut and shave - this is what he looked like twenty years ago
Then on to the Barn where Carmel, June, Jim, Sue and Jacqueline were waiting for us. Jim, June and Sue had walked along the Valley Floor as far as the Covert Pond, where they looked for frogs, before returning via Cardiac Hill and the Pinetum.

Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |