Health Walk - Tuesday 10th November 2015
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
After days of rain and high winds it was a lovely morning for a walk with warm winds and spells of sunshine
Again we had 11 walkers - Carmel, Elizabeth E, James, Lawrence, Linda E, Maureen, Michael, Pat, Paul, Peter and Sandy.
Michael was leading and set off towards the Pinetum.
Just to be different we cut back once we had got alongside the Walled Orchard and zigzagged back to the main path.
As we crossed the Wooden Bridge Peter said he would prefer to walk along the bottom so Super Trooper Carmel insisted on walking with him
We walked in the opposite direction and up into Gravel Hole Wood. At the top of the path Michael noticed there were no cows in the field!

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He climbed over the stile and invited the others to follow him which fortunately they did. Everywhere the paths are covered in colorful leaves, you can see this in the photo.

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It was lovely walking up the hill but

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hard work climbing over the stile. On the field side the ground is worn away and the first step is very high which presents problems for some of us

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I guessed whose the rucksack was straight away. It belongs to a man we've met before. He runs up and down these steps TEN times as part of his fitness programme!

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We have to walk down carefully.
We carried on into Green Wood, along the top and down to Hawks Clough.

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We walked on to the Lake where we spotted the Heron and a Cormorant. The Grebe was also fishing.

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There is more water in the river today. As we crossed the Wooden Bridge you could see that it had be at least a couple of feet higher overnight.

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It was late, gone 1100, so we cut our walk short and headed up Snake Hill

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The colours in the trees are beautiful

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The Visitors Centre come into view

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The scaffolding hides the progress. If you look hard you can see the roof supports going even higher than last time
Back in the Barn we were enjoyed our refreshments which some felt had been well earned.

Today's walks
Carmel and Peter walked along the river and up round Cock Cabin Pond, where we had intended to go.
Michael Swarbrick |