Health Walk - Tuesday 5th May 2015
Photos & Report by Sandy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
The forecast for Tuesday morning was wet, wet, wet. However it was not quite so bad - a light drizzle, wind and gloomy skies. We had eleven walkers - Brian, Carmel, Carol, Carole, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Irene, Jillian, Kate, Linda P and Sandy
Brian led us round the Sue Rider Home; down to the stone bridge; and then right along the valley; through the woods; into the field and back round the lake; then back over the stone bridge; up through the Car Park; and back to the barn.
It was noticeable how the effects of spring soften the landscape. There were flowers all around the route;

Photo 1
cowslips on the bank at the front of the Barn;

Photo 2
Ladies’ Smock in the field;

Photo 3

Photo 4
a Campion or two plus many bluebells just coming into their prime in the wood;

Photo 5 Photo 6
Marsh Marigolds in the wetter parts (with a Coot taking an interest in the photography);

Photo 7 Photo 8
Garlic Mustard in the wood and on the bank by the lake;

Photo 9
Speedwell liberally spread all round and the first Rhododendron flowering by the car park.

Photo 10
The four smiling members thought they were out of camera shot - we know better!
When we returned to the barn Bernadette and Peter joined us for coffee. We hope that they’ll soon be back walking with us.

Today's walks
Sandy Brooks |