Health Walk - Thursday 20th August
Photos by Michael - Please click on pictures to see a larger one - bad light so poor photos today
There were eleven of us today. David H, Frankie, Irene S, Jacqueline, Joanne, Julie, Mary, Michael, Peter, Sandy and Sue.
Bright, dry, overcast but sunshine promised.
David was persuaded to lead again! He took us into the Pinetum and down to the Wooden Bridge.

Photo 1
As we joined the Cycle Track
Sue and Peter elected to go left and the rest of us followed David to the right and up into Gravel Hole Wood.

Photo 2

Photo 3
Sandy and Michael had dropped behind and the rest of the group were waiting for us to catch up. Jacqueline is urging us on.
We walked up into the field and down to the Lake.

Photo 4

Photo 5
Dropping down to the Picnic Area we crossed the Stone Bridge and walked along the Cycle Track

Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8
This hill hasn't been given a name by the walkers unlike Cardiac Hill and Snake Hill. I've struggled up here on the Bike so I've named it Biker's Hill.

Photo 9
Here we are entering Cock Cabin Wood. We lingered round the pond watching the Dragonflies and Damselflies.
Back on to the Cycle Track, along the Cinder Path, Sue Ryder Drive and back to the Barn just as Peter and Sue were arriving too.
When Peter and Sue left us they walked along the Cycle Track and over the Stone Bridge then followed the same route as the rest of us until they got to the end of the Cinder Path. Then they walked through the wood to Berkeley Drive and back to the Barn - green arrows and route.
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |