Health Walk - Thursday 12th February
Please click on pictures to see a larger one - Photos by Sandy
Thanks to Sandy for the report and photos below:
Carmel, Carole, David, Elizabeth H, Helen and Sandy were walking today, Helen was the leader.

Photo 1
We walked from the Barn along the Cinder Path and saw recently arrived Canada geese in the parkland near the Hall.

Photo 2 Photo 3
We walked past the pond (you can just spot some of us on the photo of the pond) and down through the Wood.

Photo 4
There was a short pause on the stone bridge and we noted how clear the water was..

Photo 5
We saw bright yellow catkins on the bank next to the lake which we circled and carried on down through the field into and through Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood.

Photo 6
Helen lead us out of the wood along the path and up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum and back to the Barn, where we ”put the world to rights”.

Today's walk