Health Walk - Thursday 9th April
Photos by Michael - Please click on pictures to see a larger one
Eleven today. Bernadette, Carmel, Carole, David H, Helen, Jacqueline, Linda D, Linda E, Michael, Sandy and Sue. We were pleased to see Carole and Linda D again. The weather was fair, the sun shining - spring at last? Actually it felt warm enough for summer relative to the many cold walks we've had.
Today, at Jacqueline's request, we walked down Berkeley Drive and headed south along Shady Lane. Now Sue wasn't feeling well and Jacqueline was feeling like a hundred yards was a long enough walk so they trudged into the Pinetum, green route.
Eventually we came to the stile leading to the footpath into the Park. We struggled over the stile and again over the next one into the meadow.

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We walked down hill to the bottom of the field and struggled over the last of the stiles onto Town Brow. At the gate back into the Park we divided to meet again on the picnic area to the west of Town Brow car park.

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Six of us walked across the stepping stones to meet up with Carole, Linda D and Linda E. We followed the river north.

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Wondering if there were any fish and then Carmel said I should be on a photo - look at my hormone expanded stomach!

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A little further on we noticed the volunteer rangers working hard on the other side of the river

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We carried on along the river - Bear Grills has nothing on us.
Coming out on the the Cycle Track we walked along the valley to the Stone Bridge turning to climb Snake Hill back to the Barn where Jacqueline and Sue had laid out the refreshments for us all.
Jacqueline and Sue walked into the Pinetum sitting on the seat for a while then walking on to the viewing area where they stood and watched the birds around them. There were Four Robins three of them close together on the floor eating the food that had fallen out of the feeder while the other watched from a close branch. They saw two Long Tailed Tits on the feeder and again on the ground a small rabbit. Around them were many bird sounds but they could only identify the Great Tits.

Today's walks