Health Walk - Tuesday 7th January 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had thirteen walkers - Ann, Bernadette, Carmel, Colin, David H, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Helen F, James, Michael, Paul and Peter.
It was drizzling and turned out windy and wetter later. Well done for turning up.
David led us off through the car park where we noticed Joe and a volunteer breaking up concrete blocks and Jim tidying up the verge with the tractor - they are reestablishing the car park boundary fence.

Photo 1
As we passed the new visitors centre John and his assistants were working hard despite the conditions

Photo 2
Heading down to the Stone Bridge

Photo 3 Photo 4
North and south on the Stone Bridge

Photo 5
The Ford?

Photo 6
David leading us up to the Lake, paddling along the bottom of the Dam.
As we reached the Boat House (site of) Peter led the short walk down the slope to the Cycle Track, along the river, over the Wooden Bridge and back to the Barn via the Pinetum.
The rest of us carried on walking round the lake and up into the Field. At Hawks Clough we climbed up to the Ponderosa.

Photo 7
As we approached the Ponderosa Graham and Bernadette spotted at least one Grey Wagtail, which is in the photograph under the bush but I can't pick it out in the photo - camera shake, cheap camera, bad light etc.
We walked on along Cam Lane and entered Green Wood, walking along the top and descending the waterlogged steps back to Hawks Clough but not before wading through a large puddle. This puddle is forever present except in very dry weather.
A we rose into the field the light drizzle turned to rain and the wind kindly blew it into our faces as we walked back down to the Stone Bridge. I think the conditions and time deterred David from taking us up into Dog Kennel wood and back via the Pinetum.
We climbed back up Snake Hill and eventually made it to the dry and warmth of the Barn.
Photo 8
This is my best photo of the day. Probably an accident as I pushed my little camera back up my sleeve.

Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |