Health Walk - Thursday 21st January 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had fourteen walkers - Bernadette D, Carmel, Carole, David H, Graham, Helen F, Helen G, James, Linda D, Linda E, Mary, Michael, Paul and Sue.
Numbers have been considerably higher than last year so far and we have had more walkers on Tuesdays than Thursdays which is unusual.
A dull morning with a cold wind but we escaped the afternoon rain. The Park seems to be drying out well, the river was back to normal, shame it's raining again now.
David led us off towards the Stone Bridge. Carmel and Sue doing the short walk left us at the iron kissing gate and walked all over the top of the Park around the Barn, the map looks like they got lost in a maze - green route.
The rest of us walked down Snake Hill, over the Stone Bridge, along the bottom of the Dam and climbed up to the Lake (actually a reservoir)
Photo 1 Photo 2
Looking across the Lake to a collection of birds including a Heron. The Heron was on the island when we arrived but it flew across to the corner.
We climbed up into the Field and walked along to Hawks Clough then up past the Ponderosa, joining Cam Lane.
Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
We left Cam Lane and dropped down into Green wood and then back up to the highest point of out walk.
Passing Hawks Clough again we walked down the Field and at the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood considered the lateness of the hour, as we had started off ten minutes late but we carried on with David's palnned walk. Mary and Helen F, sisters, elected to take a short cut back up Snake Hill to the Barn - blue route.
The rest of us, not wanting to miss out, carried on up into Dog Kennel Wood, through Gravel Hole Wood and dropping down to the Cycle Track.
Photo 6 Photo 7
On the way down Graham spotted these funghi and we wondered what they were?
Eventually we all met up in the Barn for our refreshments, the tea/coffee and biscuits probably put on more calories than we had walked off!
Graham's statistics:
Distance Covered
- 2.67 miles
Walk Duration - 1hr 10mins
Average Speed
- 2.3mph
Approximate Calories Used
- 248 cals
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |