Health Walk - Thursday 4th February 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had fifteen walkers - Bernadette D, Colin, David H, Elizabeth H, Frankie, Graham, Jacqueline, James, Linda E, Mary, Michael, Paul, Peter, Sandy and Sue.
A pleasant enough morning and the rain held off.
David led us off towards into the Cinder Path. From there we walked along the Cycle Track to Cock Cabin Pond and through the Cock Cabin Wood. We descended into Walkers Wood and crossed the Stone Bridge.
At the Stone Bridge we met Peter and Sue, Peter leading the short walk.
Peter had led off in the opposite direction into the Pinetum and along the Cycle Track to the Stone Bridge. From the Stone Bridge they climbed up Snake Hill and when they got to the Iron Gate the met Elizabeth H and Sandy who joined them for the rest of their walk - green route - 1.3 miles.
Peter and Sue saw the Heron and they also saw a Swan. At the feeding station in the Pinetum they saw Blue tits, Great Tits, Long Tailed tits, a Robin and a Blackbird.
David took the rest of us along the bottom of the Dam and up the steps to the Lake. We walked round the Lake and climbed up into the field. At the top of the steps we turned and dropped down to the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood.

Photo 1
I switched the camera on as we walked through Dog Kennel Wood, it wasn't really a photographic morning.

Photo 2 Photo 3
We crossed the Women's Institute Bridge into Gravel Hole Wood

Photo 4
Walking down and out of Gravel Hole Wood where we joined the Cycle Track again and

Photo 5 Photo 6
crossed the Wooden Bridge. Here Graham had spotted something! A heron which is barely visible in Photo 6, it's in the top right-hand corner of the bottom left hand third. Can you make it out?

Photo 7
The new visitors centre from the Wooden Bridge

Photo 8 Photo 9
A bit further along the path, can see the Cafe seated area roof supports being added, spreading out radially.

Photo 10
Approaching Cardiac Hill

Photo 11 Photo 12
On the left we saw the Park's sheep, Jacob's sheep, for the first time this year
Photo 13
What is Mary laughing at, probably Jacqueline making one of her outrageous quips

Photo 14
View of the Visitors Centre from Cardiac Hill

Photo 15 Photo 16
Resting for recovery, are they laughing at me struggling up the hill?

Photo 17
Our Thursday leader, David
Jacqueline again completed the long walk.
Eventually we all met up in the Barn for our refreshments, the tea/coffee and biscuits.
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |