Health Walk - Tuesday 23rd February 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Seventeen walkers, Bernadette, Carmel, Carol, Colin, Elizabeth H, Frankie, Graham, Irene T, James, Lawrence, Linda P, Maureen, Michael, Pat, Peter, Sandy and Sue. And of course Freddie, Alison's dog, leading Linda round. Peter led the short walk with Sue - green route, Sandy & Elizabeth H catching them up - orange route and arrows.

Photo 1
Here we all are leaving the Barn and striding out in the glorious sunshine.
Michael, leading, set off into the Pinetum and up round the viewing area to the bird feeders. The main group didn't see any birds but Peter and Sue, dragging their heels, watched a Long Tailed Tit for several minutes. Peter had been up earlier and scattered some bird food.
We carried on down to the Wooden Bridge and turned right to go up into Gravel Hole Wood
Peter turned left and led along the Cycle Track and up the short steps on to the lake side, down the tall steps over the Stone Bridge, up Snake Hill, where they waited for Elizabeth and Sandy to catch them up and they walked together back to the Barn.
See Sandy's photos at end of report.
Michael decided we'd walk up into the Cow Field and negotiate the difficult stiles.

Photo 2 Photo 3
Arriving at the top of the filed

Photo 4
We crossed Cam Lane and dropped down into Green Wood

Photo 5
Climbing back up to the top path.
We walked down to Hawks Clough then across the Field and down and around the Lake

Photo 6
Walking across the Dam we saw the children investigating the river bed under the guidance of Elizabeth M - yellow jacket.

Photo 7
The Canada Geese were back in force

Photo 8 Photo 9
Don't be shy, well suit yourself!
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked on up through Walkers Wood into Cock Cabin Wood and round the pond.
Back on the Cycle Track, along the Cinder Path and up Sue Ryder's Drive, back to the Barn for our refreshments.
7556 steps according to Bernadette's meter
Sandy's photos

The Squirrel is at the Pinetum Viewing Point, the river is between the Wooden Bridge and the Stone Bridge and the final photo is self explanatory
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |