Health Walk - Thursday 25th February 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had eighteen walkers - Ann, Carmel, Carol, Carole, Colin, David H, Elizabeth M, Graham, Helen F, James, Linda D, Linda E, Mary, Michael, Paul, Peter, Sandy and Sue.
The conditions were so icy in the car park and around the Barn that five walkers decided to stay in the Barn drinking coffee and two went home.
David was leading on this fine sunny but icy morning. He had racked his brains to design a safe walk and he did exceptionally well for us finding an ice-free path through the Park.
We set off round the Barn on to Sue Ryder Drive and along the Cinder Path. We walked round Cock Cabin Pond and through the wood to Walkers Wood.
I was too busy talking and didn't have time to take photographs.
From the wood we walked down the Cycle Track, fortunately the sun had thawed out any ice and we walked down Bikers Hill safely.
Over the Stone Bridge, along the bottom of the Dam and up the steps to the Lake. There was a bit of excitement and Graham spotted a Cormorant which was being chased off by the Black Headed Gulls.
We walked round the Lake, up into the Field and back down to the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood. We walked into Gravel Hole Wood and it was here I realised that I didn't have any photos.
I try to find different view points, not always successfully

Photo 1
Approaching the corner of the wood where the stile is into the Cow Field.

Photo 2 Photo 3
The Group are already walking down to the Cycle Track - you can just pick some of them out in Photo 2

Photo 4 Photo 5
We had met Peter leading the Short Walk (green route and arrows) on the Stone Bridge. He told David that Cardiac Hill was very icy so David had amended his plan and avoided going over the Wooden Bridge and led us northwards along the Cycle Track
Photo 6
I took this because the shape of the trees attracted me, all gnarled and twisted, shapes that will be hidden soon when the leaves break out

Photo 7 Photo 8
The new visitors centre soon came into view, it really will look magnificent when it's finished - early summer is the projected time.

Photo 9 Photo 10
The river looks all peaceful and serene today

Photo 11
More interwoven trees, I tried to get the Group as they started up Snake Hill, some are just visible

Photo 12 Photo 13
I'm well behind now, in my usual position as Back-Marker on Thursdays when David is leading

Photo 14 Photo 15
Are the Druids waiting for me or are they resting after the assault on Snake Hill.
Sometimes I think they can't decide whether I'm taking photos and lagging behind or in distress.

Photo 16 Photo 17
I liked the clouds in the distance as I struggled to catch up which I didn't manage as I took snaps of the new building

Photo 18

Photo 19
Is that the veranda starting to grow?

Photo 20 Photo 21
The roof boards are starting to appear

Photo 22
A new viewpoint

Photo 23
Lots of incidental work necessary

Photo 24
Sandy's already making for home
Sandy's photos:

The Geat Crested Newt Pond on the way to the Pinetum Viewing area

The feeding station in the Viewing Area

Icy Cardiac Hill
Today's walks - main group red route and arrows
Michael Swarbrick |