Health Walk - Tuesday 8th March 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Light drizzle but not unpleasant. Nineteen walkers, Bernadette, Carmel, Carole, Colin, Elizabeth H, Frankie, Graham, Irene S, Irene T, Jacqueline, James, Lawrence, Linda E, Maureen, Michael, Pat, Paul, Peter and Sue. Peter led the short walk with Sue - green route.
Michael, leading, set off towards the Cinder Path unsure as to whether to go into the North Park or the usual CVP Route 4. Holding open the gate at the end of the Cinder Path for everyone by the time he reached the Cycle Track the walkers had chosen Cock Cabin Wood.
We paused at Cock Cabin Pond to allow everyone to catch the leading walkers.
We continued through the wood and into Walkers Wood dropping to the Stone Bridge. Not seen any fish for ages, do fish hibernate for winter?
Along the bottom of the Dam and climbed the steps up to the Lake. Here we paused again and watched the Cormorants flying round again. Were there three or four? Was there a Heron too? As we walked along the Dam Graham spotted a Tree Creeper on a tree in the south west corner of the Dam.
Leaving the Lake behind we climbed up into the field and back down to the entrance to Dog Kennel Wood.
Another climb this time into the wood.
Leaving Gavel Hole Wood we crossed the Wooden Bridge and climbed up Cardiac Hill into the Pinetum.
You may have noticed now that I hadn't taken any photographs!
While everyone was enjoying their drinks and biscuits, well nearly everyone, Elizabeth of Blackburn just comes in to say cheerio, I went out again and took some photos of the new building.

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Preparing more car parking spaces and extending the footpath to the new building

Photo 4
Jim driving the digger preparing the ground

Photo 5 Photo 6
Meanwhile John and Peter are fitting more panels to the roof - soon be straw bale time!
Copied from Facebook:

It's getting quite exciting - we will shortly start to build the straw-bale walls of our visitor centre.
There will be a course in Straw-Bale building on site here, running 21-25 March.
Check Facebook in a few days for more details.

Photo 7 Photo 8
More views of the building

Photo 9 Photo 10
Another aspect of John and Peter

Photo 11
Jim has left the digger and is joining Peter and John.

Photo 12
Time to go home.
Peter and Sue did 1.7 miles on their walk and Bernadette did, if I remember correctly 6366 steps.
Peter and Sue walked down through the Pinetum, turned right over the Wooden Bridge and walked to the Covert Pond. Then they returned along the Cycle Track to the Stone Bridge and climbed up Snake Hill back to the Barn.

Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |