Health Walk - Thursday 17th March 2016
Photos by Michael & Sandy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had eighteen walkers - Ann S, Carmel, Carol, Carole, Colin, David H, Graham, Helen G, Irene O, James, Jennifer, Judy M, Linda E, Mary, Michael, Paul, Peter and Sandy.
It was Jennifer's first walk.
It was a lovely sunny morning for our walk.
David was leading. He was taking us on the route that Judy Miller's 'Wags & Wellies Walk' will take on Sunday. Judy, who was with us, has organised a sponsored Dog Walk round the Park in aid of Derian House, the children's hospice. Michael and Judy were picking out places to put direction arrows on Sunday morning. Lesley is opening up the Barn as early as she can get here. and Michael will put the arrows out. Peter will lead the first walk and Michael the second. There will be five groups
Michael and Peter are the only volunteers we've recruited from the Health Walkers and as Michael is not a dog lover it is rather ironical.

Photo 1
We've arrived at Cock Cabin Pond

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Judy spotted these in Walkers Wood.
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked along the bottom of the Dam and climbed up the steps to the Lake.
Carmel walked with Sandy into Dog Kennel Wood, green route and arrows, and the rest of us kept walking round the edge of the Lake

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Near the Boat house we saw this Cormorant and he didn't seem a bit phased as I approached to take the photos. It's the nearest I've been to a Cormorant.

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The Canada Geese are back on the Lake although we did see some on the water on the old Stag Lodge track to the Hall (Fenced off for grazing) Obviously the ducks are already laying eggs somewhere.
We carried on up into the Field and back down to Dog Kennel Wood.

Photo 9
The new building is still visible from Dog Kennel Wood.

Photo 10
Crossing the Women's Institute Bridge, between Dog Kennel Wood and Gravel Hole Wood.
We walked down to the Cycle Track, over the Wooden Bridge and back to the Barn via the Pinetum.

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Judy and I deviated through the Walled Orchard where Volunteer Head Gardener Dave Weeden was planting bulbs. I'm told that Dave maintains these borders throughout the year. The Park has a lot of unsung heroes
The walk was around 2.5 miles.
Today's walks - main group red route and arrows
Michael Swarbrick |