Health Walk - Tuesday 22nd March 2016
Photos by Michael & Sandy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Dull morning with the sun trying to break through at times. Twenty-three walkers - a record - Alan, Bernadette, Brian, Carol, Carole, Colin, Elizabeth H, Elizabeth M, Gavin, Graham, Helen G, Irene T, Jacqueline, James, Judy, Lawrence, Linda E, Maureen, Michael, Pat, Peter, Sandy and Suzie.
Michael, leading, set off towards the new Visitors Centre site on the recommendation from Jim, Park Manager, to see the straw bale installation progressing.
On the way there were these three working on the new footpath and parking spaces

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The first load of straw bales arrived on Monday and they are being assembled in earnest.
We entered the east side of the Pinetum and walked down to the Wooden Bridge. From the Wooden Bridge we walked south to the edge of Gravel Hole Wood. Here Suzie elected to walk to the Covert Pond while the rest of us walked up into Gravel Hole Wood.
We were puzzled as Suzie disappeared to the right - she'd gone to sit on the bench to remove a stone in her shoe!
We walked on into Dog Kennel Wood then up into the Field and down to the Lake.
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We're really spread out again today

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Here we were surprised to bump into Suzie. She had walked to the Covert Pond and back along the Cycle Track and was just climbing up to the Lake.

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Walking along the bottom of dam, three distinct groups now.
Over the Stone Bridge and up into Cock Cabin Wood

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and round the pond

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Leaving Cock Cabin Wood and walking along to the Cinder Path

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Now making our way up Sue Ryder Drive and back to the Barn

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I went for another look at the new building

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Second from the left is Jane, she was supposed to come walking with us but we had no chance against building with straw bales
The main walk was about 2.75 miles, the reverse of last Thursday's walk
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |