Health Walk - Thursday 7th April 2016
Photos by Michael & Sandy - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had eighteen walkers - Ann, Carmel, Colin, David, Deborah, Frankie, Helen G, Holly, Irene S, James, Linda E, Linda P, Mary, Michael, Peter, Roseann, Sandy and Suzie.
It was Deborah, Holly & Roseann's first walk. Deborah and Holly, like James, had walked from Bamber Bridge - already done 45 minutes!
It was a lovely dry morning. The sun was shining as we started but it disappeared towards the end of our walks.
David was leading.
He took us through the Pinetum and down to the Wooden Bridge. Here Carmel, Roseane, Peter and Suzie left us, Peter leading, and walked along the river and up to the Lake. They walked along the southern edge of the Lake to the first steps and dropped back down to the path to the Stone Bridge. From there they climbed up to Cock Cabin Wood, round the Pond and back down to Snake Hill and preceded the main group back to the Barn - green route and arrows.

Photo 1 Photo 2
We walked on up into Gravel Hole Wood crossing the Clayton-Le-Woods Women's Institute bridge into Dog Kennel Wood.

Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
Walking along the path in Dog Kennel Wood we could still see the Hall and the Visitors Centre through the trees, not long now before the foliage obscures them.

Photo 6
We left Dog Kennel Wood and climbed up into the Field and walked along to Hawks Clough.
Sandy's photo to be added soon
Photo 7
Back marker Michael with Deborah and Holly
We continued up to the Ponderosa, along Cam Lane and down the steps into Green Wood. We followed the path round and back to the 'ford' at Hawkks Clough.
Climbing back up into the Field we walked directly to the Stone Bridge.

Photo 8
We followed the Short Route walkers up Snake Hill and back to the Barn where Linda P gave us pieces of a lovely cake she had baked. She'd also prepared muffins for the new visitor centre workers.
Today's walks - main group red route and arrows
Michael Swarbrick |