Health Walk - Tuesday 10th May 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Another fine morning. Nineteen walkers - Bernadette, Carol, Carole, Colin C, Deborah, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Holly, Ilene, James, Jennifer, Judy K, Linda E, Margaret, Michael, Roseann, Sandy and Suzie.
It was Ileen and Margaret's first walk with us.
Last week James had noticed a person walking parallel and to teh north of Sue Ryder Drive and exploring later found the tpath himself.
Michael was leading but first James led us through the Sue Ryder outbuildings across the Drive and into the memorial garden where he led us out on to the newly discovered footpath leading north east

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Turning west we came across carpets of Bluebells, denser than anywhere in the Park. Actually I think this land and footpath is on Sue Ryder property

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The Bluebells are beautiful and inspiring.

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James brought us out at the north entrance to the tunnel on the Cinder Path.

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Going down the Cinder Path the leading group crossed the track between the gates but the next group, only a little way behind, hesitated as cows were walking through the gap.
Michael, leading from the middle, kept the cows at bay until everyone had negotiated the track.
We walked along the Cycle Track and entered Cock Cabin Wood walking round the pond. Leaving the wood we dropped down into Walkers Wood and crossed the Stone Bridge. We were all still on the same route but Sue took Deborah and Holly along the river, effectively a short cut as it turned out. Carol, Elizabeth and Sandy had dropped behind and they, having apparently lost us went straight up into Dog Kennel Wood.
We walked across the Picnic area and climbing up to the Lake. We walked round the Lake and up into the Field returning to the Cycle Track and walking along to the Wooden Bridge.

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We all came together again at the Wooden Bridge.

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Climbing up Cardiac Hill

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with work going on on the new visitors centre.
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Into the Pinetum, the 'photographer' was now well behind.

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Preparations are ongoing in the Walled Orchard for the Cuerden Valley Fair on Sunday

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One of the
frowned upon Rhododendrons

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Lucky to catch a bee on the blossom.

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Back in the Barn we all enjoyed our refreshments.
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick