Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one Eighteen walkers today - Bernadette, Colin C, Graham, Ilene, Irene S, Irene T, James, Joyce, Lawrence, Linda E, Margaret, Michael, Muriel, Pat, Paul, Sylvia, Suzie and Zandra. Michael was leading and he set off towards the Hall. Crossing the LWT car park we walked between the Sue Ryder Cafe and shops, well I'm no sure if there are shops there now. We crossed the drive and entered James' Walk eventually arriving at the Cinder Path. We entered Cock Cabin Wood, walked round the pond where we could see many splashes perhaps the fish were jumping although we couldn't make them out. Leaving the wood we entered Walkers' Wood emerging to cross the Stone Bridge, could this be the only time we crossed the Stone Bridge? Walking round the Picnic Area along the bottom of the Dam we climbed up and walked round the Lake. Continuing east we climbed up into the Field and walked
We struggled up the hill, well I did, into the wood and through Gravel Hole Wood to meet the Cycle Track where we headed north. Now we didn't turn over the Wooden Bridge as usual but continued along the Cycle Track to the Stone Bridge. Irene S was not looking forward to Cardiac Hill so I said we'll carry on along the river side but you must cross to Snake Hill via the stepping stones at the Ford. As it turned out the stepping stones were covered so we crossed the Stone Bridge for the second time and
Now three of us went off on on a different walk. From the car park they walked along the sunny side of the Hall and down to the Stone Bridge, momentarily on the same route as us. However they walked up the slope to the Lake and round the Lake in the opposite direction and down the steps we had climbed up. From there they walked along the Cycle Track to the Wooden Bridge and up Cardiac Hill and the side of the Pinetum to the new building where they received the latest news from Chairman John. Thanks to all of you for turning up and helping me to enjoy the walk, you all seemed to enjoy the walk too? Red is the main Walk