Health Walk - Tuesday 28th June 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Twenty walkers today - Brian, Carmel, Christine W, Colin C, Colin D, Elizabeth H, Irene S, Irene T, James, Jacqueline, Jennifer, Lawrence, Maureen, Michael, Muriel, Paul, Peter, Sandy, Suzie and Zandra.
Michael was leading and he set off towards the Stone Bridge.

Photo 1
Admiring the new building which is looking good with the lime rendering and windows

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Peter Welsh touching up the lime rendering. Peter has worked hard and consistently on the building from the beginning
We crossed the Stone Bridge and walked across the Picnic Area, climbing the steps up to the Lake.

Photo 5
As we walked along the top of the Dam we could see Elizabeth, Peter and Suzie leaving our route and starting out on the Short Walk. Peter was leading. We saw them again as we walked along the south side of the Lake. They were walking up the slope to the Lake and our paths crossed as we headed for the Field and they turned to walk along the Lake side to the large steps, opposite to the way we had come. They climbed down the steps and walked along the bottom of the Dam to the Cycle Track where they caught sight of us in the distance disappearing southwards along the Cycle Track.
We had been round the east side of the Lake and up into the Field and back down to the Cycle Track.
We carried on past the path to the Wooden Bridge and started to walk along the river side but Peter and Co. crossed the Wooden Bridge and climbed up into the Pinetum on their way back to the Barn.
We were surprised at the change in the undergrowth along the river - a comment was heard that we should have brought machetes. The rhubarb look alike plants were causing interest but no one knows what they are.
The stepping stones are still inaccessible so we carried on into the field following the river but we only got brief glimpses of it from now as everything seems to be overgrown.

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Approaching the southernmost point, Town Brow car park, of our walk Carmel looks back to check if everyone is OK. Seven of us are out of the picture having just turned back towards the Cycle Track.
We followed the Cycle Track all the way back to the Wooden Bridge where followed Peter and Co. back to the Barn.

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Just over the Wooden Bridge the walkers are attacking Cardiac Hill, not all with enthusiasm. The building is beginning to look very impressive.
Today's walks
Red is the main Walk
Green the shorter Walk
Michael Swarbrick