Health Walk - Thursday 30th June 2016
Photos by Michael - Please click on photos to see a larger one
Today we had twenty-three walkers - Ann, Bernadette, Carmel, Colin C, Colin D, Daniel, David, Elizabeth M, Frankie, Graham, Gwen, Helen G, Jacqueline, James, Jennifer, Linda D, Margaret, Mary, Michael, Paul, Philip, Peter and Zandra.
David was leading and he set off towards the Cinder Path. Michael was the back marker and Peter was leading the short walk.

Photo 1
Photo 2 Photo 3

Photo 4
Photo 5 Photo 6
Here we are at Cock Cabin Pond. What are we looking at? There were disturbances on the surface which could have been fish. You can't see them on the photo. I took the photo hoping something would show when I put it on the computer but all you can see is a submerged dead branch. Peter avoided Cock Cabin Wood and Walkers Wood - green route and arrows

Photo 7 Photo 8
In Photo 5 in the distance Graham and Colin have found something
- Yellow Flag Iris Sawfly Larvae - these are just a few of them
Out of Cock Cabin Wood and into Walkers Wood, over the Stone Bridge and up the steps to the Lake. Peter arrived at the Stone Bridge before us and went straight on the Cycle Track to the Wooden Bridge

Photo 9
Photo 10
There were many Canada Geese on the Lake in three distinct groups, by the outlet buoy, over in the north east corner and here near the boathouse.

Photo 11
A lone Coot. The were several Mallards around too.

Photo 12
Photo 13
As we were leaving the Lake I spotted this Heron on the Island where we usually see the Cormorants
- dare I say it I think I was the only one who saw it, as back marker the rest were ahead of me.

Photo 14
Climbing up into the Field (He marched them up to the top of the hill).

Photo 15
Photo 16
(and he marched them down again)
These photos look like we are walking up hill - it's the camera but probably mostly me.

Photo 17
Photo 18 Photo 19
Flora to the left of the walkers in Photo 15 . The orchid appears to be different to the ones along the bottom of the Dam (9th June)

Photo 20
The third kissing gate on our walk. The gates and steps help to bring us all together again.

Photo 21
Now what were that couple thinking as they gazed over the Lake
We climbed up into Dog Kennel Wood, through Gravel Hole Wood, over the Wooden Bridge, admiring the new windows in the new building, into the Pinetum and back to the Barn
for our refreshments.
Today's walks
Michael Swarbrick |